John has moved into the nursery and out of our bedroom! Tonight marks his third night of sleeping in his crib in the nursery. That makes this our new best friend!
John had his two week appointment today, and he did great! He has grown to 21 inches, and he has also gained 20 ounces in 12 days and is now 9 pounds and 3 ounces. Dr. Kemper said his weight and length are in right proportions so he is just growing right along. His heart sounded perfect, and everything else checked out okay as well. At one point while she was examining him, he stretched out his arms and she commented on his huge hands.
Dr. Kemper also gave us the okay to go ahead and try bottle feeding so John got his first bottle this afternoon which he gulped down without a problem!
We were watching TV last night, and John slept on a pillow in our lap. He was sleeping on his side with a hand next to his head just like his daddy. Doesn't he look so peaceful!
He got his first bath at home and used his new bouncer for the first time. Some pics of both are below and a brief video of bath time. He definitely enjoyed resting in his bouncer with the vibration on, but he isn't too sure about taking a bath as you can see in the video below! I'm sure that he'll get a little better, and we've got a new strategy on how to give him a bath too. Hopefully next time we'll also remember to move our finger from the corner of the lens next time.
John William Welstead has arrived!! He was born at 4:01 AM on Monday, June 7th. He was 20 1/2 inches long and weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces. Emmalie and John are both healthy and doing well.
Emmalie had her 39 week appointment on Tuesday, and John is still not here! We talked with her doctor, and Emmalie is scheduled to be induced on Tuesday, June 8th if John doesn't com before then. That means in 1 week or less . . . we'll be parents!