Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mr. Explorer

The statement that best describes John these days is "ready to see the world!" He is exploring everywhere he can manage to get to and hardly stops to take a breath. He has even begun walking with the assistance of his toys that roll and will walk pushing it all over a room. He hasn't gotten brave enough yet to try walking on his own, but it's probably right around the corner. We'll post a picture and video of that soon.
Here are some pictures and videos of some of his activities.

Exploring the Bathtub Faucet

Played so hard he got hot and had to take his shirt off. Then, he decided to pause and watch the Praise Baby video for a few minutes. This one cracks us up because it looks like he's at soccer practice and just took a knee to listen to the coach.

Watching a turtle at Granmary's (Emmalie's Mom)

Watching the animals at Petco

Time for a bath . . . I'll just jump in!

Dinner at Panera Bread . . . Who knew it was SO exciting!

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